I keep waiting for the real Spring to come out. It keeps tricking me with nice days, like today, followed by snow. Which happened yesterday, the day before, and will likely happen tomorrow.
I got Tatum's Easter basket all filled and set up (I am super excited and couldn't wait). So now its been sitting in my food storage closet for a few weeks getting dusty probably. I didn't get her one last year because she was still just a floppy baby, so this will be her first basket! Yay.
She is changing so much lately. Physically in the last two weeks she has grown out of all of her clothes. She's sporting high waters and almost belly shirts until the sun finally decides to stick around and she can whip out her box of summer clothes!!
Personality wise she is more clingy to me then ever. Is this phase? Some mornings she won't even let Greg get her out of bed, she has to have Mama. Yesterday at church we had a special meeting in Relief Society for ALL the women in the ward. The men took over Primary and Nursery for the last hour and I got to go and actually listen to an awesome lesson by our Bishop. But poor little Tatum was soooooo sad that I left her in nursery. She cried and cried and didn't want to play. They told me she finally calmed down(ish) but stayed in the corner with her cup and a ball, and anytime one of the men tried to come close or get her to play she would start crying again. Poor baby.
She is talking so much more now, and will say 3 and 4 words sentences. It is very cute. The other day at Grandma's she walked into the laundry room and asked, "what are you washing?". Ha! She's so smart.
I can't believe what a big kid she's becoming. And even though sometimes she gets cranky, and a little crazy, and almost gave me a black eye this morning (with her heel), I love her so so so much!