We went to wal*mart and got all the stuff on the coupons... some things we like some we dont, but we got them just because they were cheap.
After we rang up all of our coupons we spent........
Not even joking~!!
The pic above isnt even all the stuff, we put a few bags away already and we took some groceries over to Andrea's!
There was a lady behind us in line watching the checker ring up all our (probably about 80) coupons. She came up and was in awe! She said Ive seen stuff like this on TV but i've never seen it in real life :-)
I'm so sad that I didn't get these until late last night. AHH!
WHAT?!?!?!?!? dang Dani, that's pretty sweet
Next time I'm going to W@l-M@rt. I totally got jipped.
That is stinkin' awesome! I want those coupons. If you get a chance , could you email them to me. Thanks. charmelagriffith@hotmail.com
I know I need to become a coupon clipper!! I have a friend that is awesome and doing this regularly and she tells me how much she saves and it is crazy.
Good Crap! Thats great! Send some of those emails my way I would LOVE it! (rachelpoulsen@gmail.com) I've been thinking I should get into coupon clipping...
How did you come across those coupons? I am trying so hard to start being a smart shopper. If they can be emailed would you mind sending some my way. ashleyrpollock@gmail.com Thanks!
I want those coupons!
Okay, I need to try this! I can't believe what you guys are getting. Way to go!
Chris would always laugh at me when I cut coupons until Greg called him the night you guys went
Do you care to share the email? Have the coupons expired yet? My good gosh that is crazy!! Coupons can be a blessing. At other times, its just overwhelming when hunting them down... way to go! That's exciting! If you have the time and would be kind enough- hotmelmail123@yahoo.com.
Mommy got alot of stuff she never gets! I love those coupons!!!!
I went to wally world too... and after $$192 of stuff wally PAID me $8.32 to leave the store.
holy freaking cow!! spread the wealth next time!
That is AWESOME you saved that much money! We finally started a blog, so if you want to check it out, go to marzanmania.blogspot.com.
I know you don't know me. . but this is amazing. Can you send me the email. mandyfarmer23@gmail.com. Thanks!
I read your mom and aunt's blogs.
Would you please email me and let me know how to get those coupons??
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