When we first moved into our apartment at "Hidden Ghettos" it was supposed to be a temporary home. 6 months at the longest...
Our new apartment is a lot nicer and about 50 years newer then our last one. We have carpet that I can bare to think of Tatum crawling on, central air, and a DISHWASHER! Man oh man have I missed having a dishwasher.

So we have been pretty busy unpacking and getting done with this semester of school.
Our Thanksgiving wasn't the greatest, at least for me. The day before I got food poisoning and spent most of the weekend hovering over the toilet or in bed.
I had one bite of potatoes, a bite of stuffing, and a small piece of turkey. Very depressing.
At least I got to eat leftovers.
The trick is to wrap her up soooo tight that she cant wriggle her little arms out, or even move. If she is truly straight-jacketed up she will stay asleep 10+ hours! It has been bliss.
That's neat that you guys moved. Are you still in Orem?
She is getting so big!! Wow!
Congrats on the new apartment. I am sure it feels wonderful!!! :)
I need to come see your new place.
Yeah for dishwashers!
Hidden ghetto? I like that!
What happened to your "old" dishwasher, Greg?
Congratulations to your new apartment! Now you can do Christmas decorating in the new home :)
Sorry to hear you were sick.
Tatum is SOOOOOO cute and a big girl. Poor baby, she needs to sleep tied up :)
Love you guys!
Yay for dishwashers!!
What a perfect great-granddaughter I have! I can't believe how much she's grown. She is a cutie!
So nice that you moved out of Hidden Ghettos. It will be nice to have a dishwasher.
Love you.
Good bye Hidden Meadows! There must have been something in that Stouffer's lasagna, since I got food poisoning too. It was a rough Thanksgiving! At least you got good leftovers...I'm looking forward to next year!
I can't believe how big she is now, holy cow! She is so flippin cute Dani! Nice work! :)
she is even cuter in person. thanks for visiting with me at work
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