Trying to get a good shot of a two year old doing ballet is not an easy task. Every time I tried to take one of her face she turned around. So I have about 20 pictures of the her back :) That ok, its a cute back.
She is the youngest girl in her class, but she is one of the best. She is very good at keeping her attention on Ms. Lynn and following instructions. If we have to do makeup classes she gets to go with the 4 year old class, and she keeps up with them too. In June they are doing Swan Lake for their recital, and Tate and her class get to be bunnies. They practice bunny hopping every where they go.
Practicing her échappé

(had to look that one up)
Man, I love her.
cuuuuuute!!! I can't wait to get Ruby into dance classes. :) you have the cutest little family ever. Excited for your pregnancy!
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